When I tell people that I'm in one of those bigger groups most people become very concern about my well-being. "Are you okay?", "Oh it is going to be tough trying to get consensus", and even "Some groups get physical you know...like fist fights". No fist fights so far :)
What I like about my group is that we are all so different.
- A Peruvian Lawyer/Banker who has worked and lived in the US and South America.
- A young management consultant/project manager/Private Equity lady from HK with experience from China to Southeast Asia.
- A senior Swedish manager with extensive experience in online startups all over Europe.
- A female Serbian/British Entrepreneur/CEO/Sales/Business Development with experience from Europe to Emerging Market.
- An Indian CFA analyst and auditor with an IQ higher than you and I combined, and
- Me
But there's more common among us than you think -- other than we are all super smart, driven, and extremely good looking -- we are all global. We all have experience living or working in a new culture as a foreigner and trying to find our way around a new environment.